My Dogz

I don't have many petz right now but I am hoping to adopt some more and get some breeding projects going in the near future like fuzzy floppy eared danes. Consider the petz I have hexed below a starter hex archive if you have any trades or wishes.


Serenity's Adi

Adi means "the first" and he was the first dog I hexed and adopted after my long hiatus. He is plushed and floofed (made fuzzy) and has leopard spots all over as well as a leopard chest patch, belly patch and face blaze.

Credit for the Muttlies breed file goes to Xoops@Oasis.

Serenity's Amira

My second attempt at hexing and re-learning textures. Amira is brindled all over with enlarged eyes. She had lots of butt spots and half&half face blaze and chest patch. Her and Adi are the best of friends.

Credit for the Mini Sheepies breed file goes to Bunni@Funfetti.

Funfetti's Mika

My adorable little mini poodle! This was a gift from Bunnie@Funfetti when I returned to the Petz Community! It was so sweet and such a wonderful welcoming gift. Mika means gift and I just love her poodle personality. All brindled!

Gift from Bunni@Funfetti.

Great Dane Mixes (Houndz)

Harvest's Lucid Dream (Reve) | Male

I have always wanted a black and white spotted floopy eared fuzzy dane! He has adorable black spots that show up on this white chest patch. Reve was the first dog I have filled out an adoption form for since my return and I was so happy I got him. Reve means dream in French. His mom and dad are Elfish X Riddle from Harvest

Adopted From Scribble@Harvest.

Harvest's Babbling Brooke (Brooke) | Female (trots)

Brooke is so adorable, I just love her colors and how she trots. Brooke is Autumn's sister and from a breed request from Scribble. Her mom and dad are Electro X Riddle from Harvest.

Adopted From Scribble@Harvest.

Harvest's Crimson Tide (Tide) | Male

I just adore Autumn's color combination and personality. I am also a sucker for those pale blue eyes. Autumn is Brooke's brother from a breed request from Scribble. His mom and dad are Electro x Riddle from Harvest.

Adopted From Scribble@Harvest.


Cargo's Wren Song (Wren) | Male (Trots)

Wren reminded me of the song bird by the same name with his brown and blue eyes. He trots around everywhere and is always ready to play.

Adopted From Amanda@Cargo.

Funfetti's Morning Mist (Misty) | Female

Misty is the name of my favorite childhood book. I just love her misty grey color with those pink eyes. she alwasy wants to be the center of attention and loves to pose.

Adopted from Bunni@Funfetti.

© Raine