My Velveteens

Velveteens are selectively bred. They have B&W faces (or main coon) and normal looking bodies with Persian personalities! They come in a variety of colors but white spots are preferred. Velveteens were origianlly created and selectively bred by Aniseed.

Rho's New Moon (Hilo) | Male

Hilo means the first after a New Moon. He is my first cat and I just love his persian personality!

Easter Hunt 2022 reward from Rho@RhoPetz.

Xoop's Dark Twinkle (Kiora) | Female

Kiora means little dark loved one. Her show name is from a cat I had when I was a child named Twinkle. Hilo and Kiora are in love. I just love this little fuzzy velveteen.

Adopted from Xoops@Oasis.

Xoops's Midnight Muse (Muse) | Female

Muse is named after my husbands old cat! She is just beautiful and I love her coloring.

Adopted from Xoops@Oasis.

Xoops's Harvest Haze (Oscar) | Male

Oscar's colors are just amazing and they remind me of fall.

Adopted from Xoops@Oasis.

© Raine